Without question, the best article yet by local media on the widespread harms of cruise ships, and the fallacy of seeing only dollar signs and benefits for the regional economy. https://www.theurbanist.org/2022/01/21/third-cruise-terminal-cancelled-activists-call-on-port-of-seattle-to-phase-out-cruise-ships/ ...

Summary of Environmental and human health impacts of cruise tourism: A review; Josep Lloret a,* , Arnau Carreno˜ , Hrvoje Cari´c , Joan San , Lora E. Fleming; Marine Pollution Bulletin Volume 173, Part A, December 2021, 112979 (full article unfortunately is behind a paywall). Solid...

Vague promises to go carbon neutral by 2050 along with continued reliance on old technologies are met with increased skepticism by climate activists. More port communities are questioning the cost-benefit ration of bringing giant ships to their shores. Lack of industry oversight almost guarantees continued...

June 29, 2021, one day after all time heat records were smashed across the Pacific Northwest, with Seattle reaching 108 degrees, a full 5 degrees above the previous record, Port of Seattle Maritime Director, Stephanie Jones- Stebbins, in referencing a question from the audience said...