Questionable Economics

The Port claims that cruising injects almost $900 million a year into the Washington economy. This deceptive accounting completely ignores the following:

  • Public health costs, due to air pollution from ships and the associated flights, including hospital visits, emergency room visits, asthma medications, and days lost from work due to illness
  • Higher regional housing costs: hotels and apartments compete for the same scarce land in the greater Seattle area. Forty-three new hotels have recently opened to accommodate the half-million cruise passengers coming to our area, contributing to skyrocketing housing costs.
  • Cruise ship emissions contribute directly to climate change, causing profound losses to Washington businesses: recreation losses during wildfire smoke events and years with low snow; agricultural losses during hot years with low irrigation water; and fishing and shellfish industry losses due to ocean warming and acidification.

Concerned? Tell your representatives the Port needs to change course!